Welcome to my new blog!

I just opened up this blog – kinda stole the idea from my brother, Fede… You can check out his blogs to see what I mean – he’s quite good at them; http://fedemoves.blogspot.com/ and http://cluelessinsider.blogspot.com/

My old site needs some serious re-vamping and I thought I’d start this in the meantime and then connect my old one to this one.

If you’d like to know a little more about me – I just wrote something in the “About” section of this blogspot.

Current news – I recently played a supporting role as a spy in the CBC pilot “Tangled” and I’m in development with my production company JUST BELIEVE PRODUCTIONS for my adaptation of the award-winning novel WAIT TILL HELEN COMES, by Mary Downing Hahn – which was my favorite book as a child.  I look forward to a very busy year working on a long time dream of mine with some very special people. It’s the beginning of a very exciting journey.


Photo by Jennifer Owers


I recently shot an independent Canadian feature film called “Algonquin”, with a very talented cast including Mark Rendall, Nick Campbell and Sheila McCarthy.

This was my second time working with Mark and Nick. Mark was about 12 years old when he played the lead young boy (Bastian) in the real world of “The Neverending Story” TV series in 2001, in which I played Xayide, the Empress of Darkness, who made his life very difficult… And nick Campbell played Liane Balaban and I’s father in St-Jude nearly 12 years ago. It was really cool to reunite with them on Algonquin. They are both amazing actors, definitely some of the best amongst Canadian talent.

The film was written and directed by Jonathan Hayes. We shot in North Bay, Ontario in September & October, so we froze our butts off, but the scenery was incredible. So glad I got to visit such a beautiful place.

Also in October, I was invited back to do some motion capture for a new top secret video game for Ubisoft, which is one of my favorite kinds of gigs. Makes you feel like you’re a kid again playing war games in your backyard. I had a great time!

Today I got another Ubisoft booking and a Bell commercial.

Also keeping quite busy being a full-time mom and working on several writing and producing gigs… Will keep you posted when I have more time to write.

Seems like things are starting to move again in Montreal. Thank God. I was seriously thinking of relocating to L.A. but it looks like I might hold off a little longer.

I am hoping to escape the winter sometime in January or February though. I need the sun and the ocean and palm trees. I was born on an island, I’m not really made for the cold! Surprised I’ve toughed it out so long…

That’s it for now folks, I know I haven’t written in a while but I got a new app that might motivate me to keep writing on this blog… 😉

An article about me in THE CLUELESS INSIDER Blogspot (2008)

Victoria Sanchez was once again voted by readers of The Mirror, Montreal’s top alternative newspaper, as one of the city’s Best Actresses in 2008. She ranked third, after someone called Elisha Cuthbert, who plays a role in some unknown show that has something to do with the number 24. The reason I’m not writing about Elisha, is because Victoria has been in more films, is a helluva of an actress and hasn’t had her big break yet. She’s a beloved figure in the Montreal sci-fi and genre scene and can be found nightly at the screenings of the Fantasia Film Festival. She just shared the screen in two made-for-TV movies with fan-faves Charisma Carpenter and Shannon Elizabeth, with whom we had a grand time in Montreal (don’t worry, Shannon, the photos will stay locked away in the Swiss vault I told you about). Victoria acquired recently the film adaptation rights of Wait Till Helen Comes, the famous ghost novel for children, written by Mary Downing Hahn, and penned a captivating screenplay. She’s out there husslin’ to get it made and producers are starting to take notice. Expect to see it soon at a theatre near you. And yes, I can pass along serious enquiries from producers and directors to Victoria in exchange of vintage comics.


Photo by Stephane Lord